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Finding the Right Place for Joint Replacement

How should I choose a joint replacement physician?

It's important to choose a physician who specializes in and performs only hip and knee joint replacement surgeries. Doctors who performs many different orthopaedic procedures do not usually have the level of experience needed to ensure success. If a doctor performs 350 hip and knee replacement surgeries per year, and another performs 35, success is far more likely with the surgeon who has more experience.

Having to correct problems with a second surgery can be risky, so you want to do it right the first time. Patients who have joint replacement surgery will experience bone loss, which makes a second surgery even more difficult and increases chances of further complications. Dr. Raj K. Sinha specializes in and performs only hip and knee joint replacement surgery. Outcomes are more predictable, and complications are far less likely if the surgery is performed correctly the first time by a specialist.

Planning for Joint Replacement

How should I prepare for my joint replacement surgery?

  • Arrange a pre­operative medical clearance with your primary care physician.
  • As much as you are able, get into good physical shape by losing weight, if needed, and building up strength, particularly in your upper body in the event you will need to use crutches or a walker during your post­surgical recovery process.
  • Make a list of the questions you would like to ask your doctor during your surgery consultation.
  • Work out a plan with your employer and your family to make sure you have an adequate support system to see you through any obstacles you might encounter during your recovery.
  • Prepare your home by making sure all pathways are easy to navigate and clear of any cords or rugs or furniture that could pose a tripping hazard.

FAQs: Hip Replacement

How will I be evaluated prior to surgery?

Your orthopaedic surgeon will review your medical history and ask general questions about your hip pain and mobility. He will performs a physical exam to assess hip motion, stability, strength and overall leg alignment. X­rays will be taken to determine the extent of damage. Occasionally, blood tests, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), or bone scanning may be needed to determine the condition of the bone and soft tissues of your hip.

How long does hip surgery take?...only 1 night in the surgical center!

The procedure generally takes a few hours to remove the damaged cartilage and bone and install the hip prosthesis. You should, however, expect to stay in the hospital for one to two days (including the day of surgery) while your pain level is monitored and treated, and you reach your discharge goals, which you will learn about in your preoperative education materials

What complications can occur from a hip replacement surgery?

The most common complication is blood clots forming in the leg veins or pelvis. However, you can prevent blot clots by wearing and taking blood thinners. Notify your doctor immediately if you experience leg pain or swelling unrelated to your incision, tenderness or redness of your calf, shortness of breath and/or chest pain.

What other precautions should be taken to ensure a full recovery?

To assure proper recovery and prevent dislocation of the prosthesis, you must take special precautions:

  • Do not use stairs without doctor consent.
  • Do not cross your legs.
  • Do not bend your hips more than a right angle (90°).
  • Do not turn your feet excessively inward or outward.
  • Use a pillow between your legs while sleeping until otherwise advised by your doctor.

FAQs: Knee Replacement

What is total knee replacement?

Surgery center stay will only be 1 night. Total knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which certain parts of an arthritic or damaged knee joint are removed and replaced with an artificial implant called a prosthesis. When joint replacement surgery is performed correctly, the prosthesis enables the artificial joint to move as a normal, healthy knee.

What pre­surgery preparations are necessary?

Your doctor may require a complete physical examination to assess your health and pinpoint any conditions that could interfere with your surgery or recovery. This evaluation could include blood and urine tests, chest X­rays, dental evaluations, medication assessments and weight evaluations.

How long is the actual knee replacement surgery?

You will most likely be admitted to the hospital the day of surgery. Once the procedure has begun, it generally takes a few hours to remove the damaged cartilage and bone and install the knee prosthesis.

How long is the recovery time in the hospital post­surgery?

A typical hospital stay for knee replacement surgery is one to three days. Each patient must reach their discharge goals before leaving. Discharge goals will be explained in the preoperative education materials before the total joint surgery takes place.

What physical therapy activity is expected post­surgery?

Depending on your condition, you may begin with slow movement of the knee while lying in bed to improve circulation by moving the leg muscles. Foot and ankle movement is also encouraged immediately following surgery to increase blood flow. Most Patients begin knee exercise the day of surgery. However, a physical therapist will teach specific exercises to strengthen the knee and restore movement for walking and other normal daily activities. If you are a patient traveling from out of town, Request patients stay one week to get a head start on their physical therapyusing our specific total joint protocols.

Recovering Away from Home

Where do I stay if coming from out of town?

We will provide you with a list of accommodations where we have special deals at that time.

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